The following articles will appear in a forthcoming issue of Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal
- Azeb Alghanemi, Khadijah Abullah Sharaf, Hichem Chtioui & Mohamed Gdarat: Existence and multiplicity results for a fractional curvature problem
- Bruno Deschamps & Paul Rodriguez: De l'instabilité des extensions galoisiennes intermédiaires
- Flavien Mabilat: Classification des entiers monomialement irréductibles et généralisations
- Auguste Hébert: Topologies on split Kac-Moody groups over valued fields
- Sophie Thery: Well-posedness of a non local ocean-atmosphere coupling model: study of a 1D Ekman boundary layer problem with non-local KPP-type turbulent viscosity profile
- Mohamed Ait Ouahra, Mohamed Mellouk, Hanae Ouahhabi & Aissa Sghir, An extension of the standard multifractional Brownian motion