Publication Ethics Statement
Our publication ethics statement expresses a set of shared values of all actors involved in the publication of the Annals Mathématiques Blaise Pascal: authors, executive editors, members of the editing committee, and reviewers. It is inspired by the code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Duties of the editors
The decision to publish or not to publish an article is made solely on the basis of the importance, the originality, the quality, the clarity, and the validity of the work presented and the alignment of the work with the journal's themes. In particular, submitted texts will be evaluated independently from any consideration of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality or political belief. This decision is made in accordance with French law. In particular, published articles must respect laws pertaining to slander, plagiarism and copyright.
The editors have a duty of confidentiality. No information relating to the texts submitted should be communicated outside the actors of the evaluation process for publication in AMBP.
Data Use
The use, by any of the actors of the evaluation process, of the contents of a work submitted to AMBP and refused for publication is subject to the written consent of all the authors.
Duties of the reviewers
Each article is sent to a reviewer. The reviewer's report should help the publisher make the decision to publish or not to publish the article. They may also provide the authors with suggestions for improving their work.
Conflict of Interest
It is the duty of the reviewer to indicate if they are not qualified to evaluate an article which has been entrusted to them or if they estimate that they will be unable to complete the evaluation within a reasonable period of time. The reviewer must refuse to evaluate any work with which they have a conflict of interest.
The reporter has a duty of confidentiality. No information relating to evaluated texts may be communicated outside the actors of the evaluation process for publication in AMBP.
The reviewer’s report must be objective and well-argued. Personal criticism is unacceptable.
Data Use
Information or ideas that the reviewer may learn through the evaluation of a submitted work must remain confidential and may not be used for personal benefit.
The reviewer must indicate in their report the use of any uncited published work in the work being evaluated. The reviewer will inform the editors of any significant similarity they find between the work being evaluated and any previously published work.
Duties of the authors
Originality and ethics
It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that their work is entirely original. Any work of which they are not an author which is used in the submitted work must be appropriately cited.
The results presented by the author must be the result of original work. Details and references must be sufficient to allow the verification of the arguments. The use of knowingly inaccurate arguments is unethical behaviour and is unacceptable.
An author may not publish work which has already been published. Submitting the same work simultaneously to more than one journal is unethical behaviour and is unacceptable.
Any work which has influenced the submitted work must also be cited.
The authors of a work submitted for publication must all have contributed significantly. Every person who contributed significantly to obtaining the results must be considered as an author. Any person who is considered to have contributed to a less significant degree must appear in the acknowledgements. It is the responsibility of the author submitting the work for publication to ensure that these rules are followed.
Conflict of Interest
Any conflicts of interest which may influence the results must be indicated by the author in the submitted work.
It is the responsibility of any author of a published work to inform the editors of any errors of which they become aware, and to work in collaboration which the editors to retract the article or publish an erratum.
When submitting an article, authors undertake to authorize its distribution in digital format (as well as hard copy if it applies), particularly on the centre Mersenne platform.